SML Registration

What is a Service Metadata Locator (SML)?

The Service Metadata Locator (SML) is a crucial component of the eDelivery system, designed to enable dynamic service location. When a message is sent, the Access Point of the Sending Party must identify the location where the Receiving Party its information is stored. 

The SML facilitates this process by directing the Sending Party’s Access Point to the correct Service Metadata Publisher (SMP).

In essence, the Service Metadata Locator (SML) manages the retrieval, addition, updating, and deletion of information of Receiving Parties and Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) locations within the Domain Name System (DNS). 

As a centralized component, the SML ensures that Access Points can precisely locate and interact with the required service metadata.

In simpler terms, think of the Service Metadata Locator (SML) as a digital phonebook that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to store records. Different types of IDs, like DUNS, EIN, or SSN, are classified under different categories, called SCHEMES

For example, if a company has a DUNS number 116902221, it will be stored in the SML as “DUNS::116902221.” This information then goes through two special processes, which make the SML/SMP/AS4 technology stack unique and turn DBNAlliance into a secure digital pathway for communications across the globe.

At first,

An irreversible transformation is applied to prevent converting a domain name back into its original identifier. For example, “DUNS::116902221” is turned into a 64-character string like “0bd26c8c02134e5c2b28bde3888916b904b4b29201cb2c9d091533294812216c.” 

This new string cannot be reversed to reveal the original ID, and finding it would require trying all possible combinations, which is extremely difficult and time-consuming. This is similar to how passwords are securely stored in most systems. This approach gives DBNAlliance a key advantage: a sender can verify if a specific receiver ID exists without accessing the entire list of receiver IDs in the system.

In the second step,

This value is then converted to Base32 to eliminate any non-printable or special characters and to compress the information from 64 characters down to 52. For example, “0bd26c8c02134e5c2b28bde3888916b904b4b29201cb2c9d091533294812216c” is transformed into something like “BPJGZDACCNHFYKZIXXRYRCIWXECLJMUSAHFSZHIJCUZSSSASEFWA.”


Finally, we create a third-level domain name by combining the value from the previous step with the appropriate suffix (e.g., “” for the test environment). This results in a domain like

It’s important to note that this is not a standard DNS record (like an “IN A” record), so it cannot be resolved using common tools like PING or NSLOOKUP on Windows or Linux. Instead, it uses a NAPTR record, a type often used in Internet telephony, particularly with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

The main purpose of an SML entry is to direct to the URL endpoint of the SMP (Service Metadata Publisher). For example: Details about the role of the SMP service can be found in the relevant section of this website.

This is a PILOT SML Domain used by the BPC eRemittance Workgroup. Organizations do not need to be DBNAlliance members to use this SML, but they must be part of an active pilot workgroup. It is advisable to register any ID in all three domains: PRODUCTION, TEST, and PILOT.

(The SML service is just the first step in the DBNAlliance technology trio: SML → SMP → AS/4)

Understanding the three SML Domains Supported

The DBNAlliance has established three SML domains to provide services to its members.

This is the production SML for the Exchange Framework. It is where Access Points will exchange commercial transactions for goods and services on behalf of their customers. Organizations must be members of the DBNAlliance to use this SML.

This is the test SML for the DBNAlliance Exchange Framework. Organizations must be DBNAlliance members to use this SML. The TEST domain is used for developing and testing Access Points and for extending support to new document types before they are implemented in the PRODUCTION domain.

How to register an SML?

To register an SML, please fill out the form below or access it via this link.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the registration process, please email

Alternative registration method

An alternative method to register as an SML is to fill out this form. The registrar will set up the SML records for the PARTNER IDENTIFIER and return them to the initial requesting email address.

Supported schemes can be found in Github.

To view test partners, please visit the SML list.

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