Digital Certificate Issuance

Access Points in the AS4 Transport framework must use these certificates for:

Encryption of Payload: Ensuring that exchanged data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access.

Authenticity of Connection: Verifying the identities of the parties involved to ensure that the connection is legitimate and trustworthy.

What are Digital Certificates?

Digital certificates are electronic credentials that secure communications and verify identities in digital transactions. They are essential for ensuring the confidentiality and authenticity of data exchanges.

DBNAlliance serves as a Certificate Authority (CA) and is responsible for issuing various types of digital certificates, including:

Root certificates are the foundation of the trust chain, providing the highest level of security and serving as the anchor for all other certificates.

Intermediate certificates connect the root certificate to user certificates, forming a chain of trust and boosting security.

User certificates are issued to individuals or systems, like Access Points, to secure communications and verify identities.

How Certificates are Managed

The Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) stores the certificates for Access Points. It is used to retrieve these user certificates in real time, enabling secure and authenticated communication within the AS4 network.

How to request a Digital Certificate?

Send an email to with the following details to request a digital certificate:

The registrar will set up the domain-specific certificate registration and send a CSR request and procedure document to the technical contact to start the certificate process. 

This email will come from DigiCert, the software DBNAlliance uses for managing certificate issuance.

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